Gum Disease Therapy

Treating Gum Disease in Winnipeg

Image of mature couple relaxing at homeAt the practice of Dr. Adriana Gomez, we are dedicated to keeping your teeth and gums healthy through efficient, high-quality dental treatments. We provide our services to residents of Winnipeg and the surrounding areas from our convenient North End office. Our compassionate and gentle team is here to diagnose and treat gum disease, so you can enjoy a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Gum disease can worsen over time and cause significant medical complications, so we begin your treatment as quickly as possible. Whether you’re a returning patient or are seeking an experienced dentist to help maintain your gum health, we are happy to serve you. If you or a family member is suffering from gum disease, get in touch with Dr. Adriana Gomez at our Winnipeg, MB, office today!


What is Gum Disease & How Does it Affect Me?

tooth modelGum disease is a medical condition that harms the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth. If gum disease is left untreated for a long enough time, it can cause jawbone deterioration and tooth loss.

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease. It causes your gums to become inflamed and can create discomfort. If gingivitis is left untreated, it progresses into moderate or severe periodontitis over time. When gum disease reaches the later stages of periodontitis, unpleasant side effects such as receding gumlines, increased tooth sensitivity, and tooth loss may occur.

While still in its earliest stage of gingivitis, gum disease is typically reversible. Receiving an early diagnosis and beginning treatment quickly is essential to restoring your gums. Unfortunately, gum disease does not go away on its own, so it’s vital to see our periodontist if you notice changes to your gum health.

Common Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Some of the most frequent symptoms of gum disease to be aware of are:

  • Swollen, puffy, or red gums
  • Bleeding when you clean your teeth
  • Sudden tooth pain
  • Loose teeth
  • Persistent bad breath even after brushing, flossing, and mouthwash
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot beverages and foods
  • A noticeably receding gumline
  • An abscess on your gums

Certain conditions may put you at a higher risk of developing gum disease. These factors include age, genetics, smoking, other medical conditions, and pregnancy hormones.

Addressing Your Gum Disease with Compassion & Professionalism

Image of two young woman friends smiling outdoorsGum disease is a condition that many people struggle with over the course of their life. Dr. Gomez and her skilled team provide nonjudgmental dental treatments aimed at restoring your mouth and gums. Our goal is to help you find and maintain a healthy lifestyle by addressing your oral health concerns with speed and efficiency.

Our Treatments for Gum Disease

Our practice offers several treatments to address your gum disease. With all our methods, we want you to be comfortable. We can provide oral, nitrous, and IV sedation if it’s helpful to you. Dr. Gomez can even provide general anesthesia at a surgical center to allow you to have the best possible experience with us.

We are dedicated to restoring your health and protecting your dental well-being. Our treatments for gum disease include:

Scaling and Root Planing: Scaling and root planing is a periodontal cleaning used to address gum disease. We first remove calculus, bacteria, and plaque beneath and along your gum line (scaling). The next step is to smooth any exposed tooth roots (planing).

This allows your gums to secure the tooth and reduces the risk of recurring infections. Arestin antibiotics may be applied directly to your gums to prevent future infections. We also use numbing gel and fluorides to improve your comfort during treatment.

Deep Gum Therapy: Deep gum therapy refers to a comprehensive maintenance cleaning of your teeth and gum tissue. We carefully clean the base of your gums and address any pockets that have formed due to your gum disease. We typically recommend deep gum therapy treatments on a three-month basis instead of the usual six months for regular dental cleanings. This timeframe allows us to effectively treat your gum disease and keep an eye on your oral health.

Pocket Reduction Surgery: In some cases, pocket reduction therapy may be needed after initial gum disease treatment. Pocket reduction surgery shrinks pockets that developed beneath your gumline.

After your initial treatment, we may provide maintenance cleanings at Dr. Gomez’s advice. These regularly-scheduled cleanings maintain your gums as they recover.

Bone Grafts to Rejuvenate Your Jawbone

If your jawbone has deteriorated due to gum disease, we may be able to provide you with a bone graft. Our surgeon uses transplanted bone material to reconstruct or regenerate new bone, which increases your jawbone’s volume and density.

Effectively Addressing Gum Disease in Winnipeg

Our skilled team at the practice of Dr. Adriana Gomez is here to protect your oral health. We want you to feel entirely comfortable approaching us with any questions or concerns regarding your dental well-being. Contact us at Winnipeg, MB, office today so we can get started on treating your gum disease!


Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.


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Office Location

  • Winnipeg
  • 1605 Regent Ave W
  • Suite 110
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • R2C 3B3
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (204) 786-5896