Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Winnipeg to Reinvent Your Smile

If you’re tired of the pain and frustration of missing teeth, dental implants could be an option for you. Dr. Adriana Gomez can place dental implants with precision and care to help revive your natural smile. Contact Dr. Gomez and her team today at one of our two Winnipeg, MB, offices to see if this procedure is right for your smile.


What Are Dental Implants?

Image of Dr. Adriana Gomez holding tooth model with dental implantDental implants are artificial tooth roots set into your jaw, typically constructed from titanium or titanium alloys. Titanium implants naturally bond with your jawbone, creating a sturdy and long-lasting platform to support replacement teeth. This procedure builds the structure for natural-looking replacements to the missing teeth.

Who Are Dental Implants For?

We consider several factors when evaluating whether dental implants are the best choice for you. You must have healthy gums to be considered for this procedure. If you have active gum disease, we’ll provide treatment to address it before proceeding with dental implant treatment.

There must be sufficient jawbone to support the implant. Without enough healthy bone, the implant won’t have the stability it needs to withstand daily use. In this situation, Dr. Gomez may recommend a sinus lift or bone graft, which strengthens the bone and may allow you to receive dental implants.

Certain medical conditions can increase the risk of dental implant failure. Autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes) and the use of some medications can cause slowed healing and other complications. You must discuss any medications that you are currently taking with Dr. Gomez to help prevent future complications.

If you are missing one or more teeth and are looking for a long-lasting solution, dental implants may be an appropriate procedure for you.

What Are Bone Grafts and Sinus Lifts?

A bone graft is a dental procedure that increases the jawbone’s density and volume to prepare it for a dental implant. A sinus lift is completed when there is an insufficient amount of bone in the upper jaw where the surgery will occur. These procedures are considered on a case-by-case basis, and Dr. Gomez can answer any questions you may have about them.

3 Benefits of Dental Implants

  1. Long-Lasting: Dental implants, when properly cared for and maintained, can last for decades.
  2. Promotes Oral Health: Dental implants can improve your oral health by preventing jawbone deterioration from tooth loss. This effect helps you keep the natural shape and structure of your face.
  3. Strong: Dental implants are durable and capable of supporting a range of dental restorations to restore your full, natural smile.

How Does the Procedure Work?

Dr. Gomez carefully plans out every patient’s implant procedure. She will first complete a precise examination of your mouth to ensure that your gums are healthy and that there is enough jawbone to bond the implant successfully. Dental x-rays enhance the accuracy of this initial evaluation.

Using her knowledge and the information received from the x-rays and exam, Dr. Gomez will thoroughly map out where the implant is to go. The implant must be put at a precise angle and location to make it stable. The implant will be surgically placed after this thorough preparation.

Dr. Gomez will advise you regarding follow-up care and appointments after your surgery. We will work alongside your regular dentist to ensure that your replacement teeth are comfortable and fit well, using the healed implant as a stable foundation. If you do not already have a preferred dentist, we are happy to recommend one to you. 

What is All-on-4®?

3D render of all on four dental implantsIf you have multiple decayed or damaged teeth, All-on-4 treatment may be of interest to you. All-on-4 is a procedure that restores all the teeth on the top or bottom of your mouth. Dr. Gomez places four implants into your upper or lower jawbone, which will then support a full arch of artificial teeth. This procedure works to restore the functionality and aesthetic of your smile.

Is Sedation Right for You?

A local anesthetic will numb the area where the procedure will take place. Dr. Gomez and her team also offer both oral and nitrous sedation options during the implant procedure. The dentist is happy to discuss these options to determine whether sedation will be useful for you. Deeper sedation methods may be available on a case-by-case basis.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

On average, it takes thirty minutes to an hour to place one dental implant. Multiple implants typically take two to three hours to plant. The number of appointments and the time required to place your implants varies depending on your specific case. Dr. Gomez brings exceptional care and attention to address your unique needs during the implant process.

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Dr. Gomez looks forward to meeting with you to determine if dental implants are the right procedure to restore your smile’s look and function. Visit one of our two office locations in Winnipeg, MB, today so we can offer you our services!


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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.


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Office Location

  • Winnipeg
  • 1605 Regent Ave W
  • Suite 110
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • R2C 3B3
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: (204) 786-5896